The old Post Office building that currently holds Clarksburg Animal Hospital is part of Clarksburg’s more recent history. Even though it is technically part of the Historic District, the building was not put into operation until 1961.
The rest of the historic buildings in Clarksburg are pre-1900. The Clarksburg Post Office moved to its new home in December 2001 and the building was left vacant until we began construction in Spring 2003. We are proud to have found a purpose for the building and a prominent spot in the center of the old Clarksburg.

Most of the building had to be redone. It needed a new roof with a new steel support beam, completely new electric, completely new plumbing, a new sewer connection to replace the aging septic system, completely new HVAC system, and a complete rebuild on the inside. After lots of scares and 16 months of hard work, Dr. Greta realized her dream and opened Clarksburg Animal Hospital on August 30, 2004.
It has all been worthwhile and it is a pleasure to grow with the community and participate in the events and groups that make up Clarksburg. We look forward to serving the Clarksburg community and your pets for many years to come.