We are all happy to see that people are getting vaccinated and the COVID numbers and vaccine rates for Clarksburg and Urbana look great. Other areas are getting better as well. Despite that, we are remaining cautious. Even though these vaccines have great efficacy rates, none of them are 100% and variants are still a concern. Requiring documentation for vaccination prior to entering the building is an administrative and potentially legal challenge that we will not be undertaking.
We have very small rooms and even with precautions, we cannot properly social distance under any circumstances and the air turnover from the HVAC is not sufficient to decrease COVID exposure. Dr. Greta has a child at home who is still too young to be vaccinated and Clarksburg Animal Hospital will be approaching reopening with caution. We will re-evaluate our plans in the Fall and keep you updated. When we do adjust our procedures, there will be a transitional approach and not an immediate return to a completely normal process.
Our schedule is still very busy with only one veterinarian and we are working hard to keep up with demand. Our staff has been amazing and working extra hard to communicate and facilitate what you and your pets need. Please realize that it is likely that you will have to schedule a routine appointment or surgery/dental about a month in advance. We do save some fit in/emergency appointment slots each day. If you don’t call us early in the day, those are likely to be filled. Please plan ahead so we can make sure your pet gets what they need.
Our Current Policies will remain in effect until the Fall.
• We are not having any clients in the building, regardless of masks or vaccination status. We will continue to talk to you on your cell phone during your appointment while we care for your precious 4-legged family members.
• When you arrive, either call us or come to the front door and ring the doorbell. Someone will plan for your pet to come in to see us.
• Please wear a mask for all patient transfers at the front of our building. Our staff are close to multiple people each day for these transfers and we would like to keep everyone as healthy as possible.
• In rare circumstances and weather permitting, we can do some appointments under a covered area at the back of our building. This is for animals who cannot manage an exam without their owners present. All involved must be masked and remain socially distant as much as possible.
• Euthanasia procedures will still be performed in the same covered area at the back of the building. This is also weather dependent and all involved must be masked and remain socially distant as much as possible.
• All payments will be over the phone by credit card. We will bring out your receipts when we reunite you with your pets.
Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate an unprecedented in a careful and well thought out way. Watch here or your email for further updates in the Fall.
Thank you!